Saturday, 14 June 2014

Father's Day Motoring Thoughts

The majority of fathers consider themselves blessed by their daily contact with their children.  However, when a relationship breaks down between parents, contact can become a struggle particularly when the child or father move a considerable distance away. Whilst the antics of support group, Father4justice, often grab the headlines for the wrong reasons, we can't help but have sympathy for Dads when it comes to defending them to enable them to maintain contact with children from estranged homes.

Often working full time, many men consider their driving licence an absolute necessity in order to be in a position to visit their children mid-week, particularly in remote areas where transport links are poor.  Following a break-up, most fathers still wish to play a regular part in the upbringing of their children, and wish to continue to act as "taxi-driver" taking them to various clubs and activities. 

We also encounter fathers who wish to make the most of the time they have one-on-one with their children, who tell us of the difficulties that public transport would cause when traveling long distances to places such as theme parks.

For many dads, their licence is an essential link which facilitates regular access to their children. It is therefore understandable that when accruing one too many points on their licence threatens to jeopardise the regular contact which they treasure so much, hundreds of fathers contact our firm frightened and confused, seeking expert advice.

Fortunately, at Geoffrey Miller Solicitors, we have a proven track record of helping to save the licences of countless fathers who would otherwise have faced a six month disqualification for totting up, and the restricted access to their children which could have followed.

At Geoffrey Miller Solicitors, we understand that every case is different, and understand the importance of regular contact between father and child.

In most cases, we are able to secure either:
  • ·       A short term disqualification in order to prevent the person from totting up in the first place;
  • ·       A finding of exceptional hardship, whereby the person retains twelve or more points on their licence (until their usual expiration after three years). Under these circumstances, the person would not be disqualified at all.

In some cases it is even possible for us to secure a short term disqualification, where the licence is returned clean of points.

In the event that you are in the unfortunate position of totting up and facing a six month ban from driving, we urge you to contact Geoffrey Miller Solicitors to discuss the many ways in which we could help you.

And for the remainder of June 2014, if you are a single Dad, we will automatically apply a 10% discount on your fees.

So, if you are at risk of the loss of your licence, please give us a call on 08000852784.

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